Despite all of the positive things in our lives, we still let ourselves dwell on the negatives. We convince ourselves that only the bad things happen to us, that we aren't good enough, that we aren't where we need to be, and that it really must be greener on the other side (surely, right?!). This is a complete and utter injustice. I improve my situation, whatever it may be, by 0% when I think negatively about it. If I don't believe that I'm worth the effort, worth the time, worthy at all, then how can I truly expect anyone else to think that I am? I don't say this to sound cliche or contrite. I really mean it, and believe you me, it's slapping me in the face too. I know it, through and through. I fail at positivity constantly. I desire optimism more than a lot of things, and yet I let it fall by the wayside because I'm too busy feeling sorry for myself.
The truth of the matter is that my value is not determined by what I do, or how well I fair, or how I compare, or where I am at this point in my life. My value is innate, internal, deep within me, and unshakable because I am who I am and I always will be. There is nothing more futile than to attempt to deny what is so blatantly unavoidable. I will never escape myself. Why should I want to? I am here because I am meant to be here. I must take advantage of the time.